Very agile and easy to manoeuvre (despite large 90l capacity).
The Kärcher B 90 R is compact yet efficient with 90 degree steering which allows flexible on the spot turning. Easy to use, with a 90 litre water tank. Available in both disc and roller, this machine is ideal for tight spaces within a large area.
Extremely easy to manoeuvre
Thanks to its very short and narrow construction, the B 90 R is very agile and easy to manoeuvre despite large water tanks. The 90° steering system allows you to turn on the spot and a low centre of gravity ensures excellent traction.
Long operating times
The generous battery compartment allows for large capacity batteries to be fitted. With maintenance-free or low-maintenance batteries in the pack variants. The speed of the vacuum and brush motors can be controlled to save energy and ensure even longer run times.
Simple operation
All machine operations are controlled with the single, EASY switch. Additionally, the brush heads are easy to charge meaning one machine can be used for multiple applications.