If used properly, Kärcher Professional steam cleaners SG(V) remove up to 99.999% of enveloped viruses*, such as the coronavirus or influenza, and 99.999% of common household bacteria** from hard surfaces. At the present time, disinfectants are to be reserved primarily for outpatient and inpatient care environments, but steam cleaners can make a valuable contribution to general hygiene in commercial and industrial use.
*Tests have shown that with spot cleaning of 30 secs at max. steam level with the Kärcher steam cleaner 99.999% of enveloped viruses such as coronavirus or influenza (excluding the Hepatitis-B virus) can be removed from commonly-found, smooth, hard surfaces (test-germ: Modified-Vaccinia-Ankara-Virus).
**When thoroughly cleaning with a professional Kärcher steam cleaner SG(V) 99.999% of all common household bacteria will be killed on commonly-found, smooth, hard surfaces with the cleaning speed of 30 cm/s at max. steam level (according to EN 16615:2015-06, PVC floor (test -germ: Enterococcus hirae ATCC 10541).